CSANews 124

Located 350 kilometres north of the Arctic Circle, Ilulissat is the third-largest town in Greenland with a population of 4,700. Its name means “iceberg” in the Greenlandic language. The 190 passengers (mostly Canadian, but also American and European couples and solo travellers) on our ship were eager for closer views of the icebergs. We donned flotation vests and boarded Zodiacs (rubber inflatable boats) to circle around the magnificent icy flotilla formed from fallen snowflakes 10,000 years ago. The most beautiful icebergs were turquoise, created from ice which was so compressed that it no longer retained air bubbles. Some were as large as islands. Others were smaller, but shaped like whimsical castles with spires and caves. When a passenger asked if we could explore one of the icy caverns, our Zodiac pilot declined with a warning: “Icebergs can tip or calve unexpectedly.” Circling and swimming fulmars and gulls captured our attention as we returned to Ilulissat. They couldn’t resist the fish tidbits tossed from boats by fishermen as they cleaned their catches of turbot (Greenland halibut). We Deliver! WINTERING IN FLORIDA? by Truck For more information about our services call: We pick up your vehicle from your doorstep and deliver it to your winter destination… and get it safely back home when you’re ready. www.torontodriveaway.com The Premier Driveaway Service in North America! I N T E G R I T Y • H O N E S T Y • C O U R T E S Y 416-225-7754 Toronto Drive-Away Service Nationwide Inc. TRUSTED Since 1959 Iceberg odyssey CSANews | FALL 2022 | 15 Travel