CSANews 116

We have run aground on unmarked shoals along the Sanibel coast so when I read, in Chasing Midnight, one of the most graphic small-boat chases ever set to paper, I was enthralled. Doc is being pursued across shallow reefs, through swamps and narrow, twistedmangrove passages while two vengeful villains blaze away with their AK-47 assault weapons ... but of course, through his intimate knowledge of these waters and his boating skills, he escapes to live another day. Whether enjoying Randy Wayne White’s books while relaxing during a lazy Florida winter’s day, or keeping Florida alive in the summer months, I guarantee that if you enjoy rollicking adventure stories based on well-researched but little-known Florida facts, you will love Randy Wayne White’s novels. Incidentally, Randy owns Doc Ford’s Rum Bar & Grille on Sanibel Island and, if you’re lucky, on many nights you can find him at his favourite table working on his latest adventure book. Typical swampland Doc Ford would have had to navigate at close to 60 mph, during the boat chase episode in "Chasing Midnight". CSANews | FALL 2020 | 25 Travel