CSANews 100

Cover The Evolution of your CSANews 1 Chairman’s Introductory Message Profile on Medipac International CSANews 31 Grins & Giggles CSANews 29 Canada Club Listings Fun & Games page CSANews 27 CSAOnline OfficialNewsMagaziNeOf thecaNadiaN sNOwbirdassOciatiON |fall2010 | issUe76 Publicationmailagreementno:40063603 Seeking adventure? On the road inanRV deciphering dividendS Differentstrategies for uncertainmarketconditions Whatareyou taking? Overdoing itwithover-thecountersupplements policy Wording Doyou reallyknowwhat you’rebuying? cruiSing the amazon Traveldown theworld’s second longest river OfficialNewsMagaziNeOfthecaNadiaNsNOwbirdassOciatiON |wiNter2008 | issUe69 Publicationmailagreementno:40063603 Myrtle Beach CSANews 76 RV Lifestyle Feature Rex Vogel CSANews 69 Finance Feature James Dolan Opinion Column Michael Coren OfficialNewsMagaziNeOfthecaNadiaNsNOwbirdassOciatiON |wiNter2007 | issUe65 Publicationmailagreementno:40063603 The Amazing Canadian Dollar! CSANews 65 The Amazing Canadian Dollar Falling Dollar story was in Issue 28 CSANews 36 Health Pulse CSANews 42 Decade of Action Happy Birthday!!! CSA is 10 Years Old CSANews 48 Dr. Bob’s Health Feature OfficialNewsMagaziNeOf thecaNadiaN sNOwbirdassOciatiON |sPriNg2011 | issUe78 Publicationmailagreementno:40063603 ABetter wAytoGive ChoosingaCharity YummY AvocAdos MoreGreatRecipes HelpingYour DoctorHelpYou DifficultDiagnoses Also InsIde: GettInGMystIc InArIzonA surprIsInG sAskAtchewAn CSANews78.indd 1 4/28/2011 02:32:37PM OfficialNewsMagaziNeOf thecaNadiaN sNOwbirdassOciatiON |wiNter2011 | issUe81 Publicationmailagreementno:40063603 GalápaGos IslaNDs Walkon theWildSide MessAround inTexAs TheAccidenTAl snowbird Don'tFallForme CSANews 78 Cartoons Ron Belamy & Merv Magus CSANews 81 Longevity Column OfficialNewsMagaziNeOf thecaNadiaN sNOwbirdassOciatiON |sPriNg2012 | issUe82 Publicationmailagreementno:40063603 Les ÎLesdeLa MadeLeine 20Yearsof snoWBird advocacY! ATasteof ACulinAryCruise inQuebeC BondMarket WhAtyouneedtoknoW exploretheaMerican SouthweSt livinglonger 20 CANADIANSNOWBIRDASSOCIATION ANNIVERSARY TH CSANews 82 20th Anniversary CSA milestones CSANewsmagazine debuted with a message from the Chairman of the Steering Committee and a profile of their chosen insurance provider - Medipac International Inc. Over the years various columns and departments have been incorporated into the publication to make CSANews the Magazine that it is today. The following is a synopsis of the issues where our current magazine columns made their first appearance. 30 | www.snowbirds.org